Andrew Walker

Tell me a little bit about what you do for ESC Packaging

I work as a CAD designer at ESC Packaging, where I primarily handle box design projects. I specialize in creating a variety of custom box styles tailored to our customers’ specific requirements. My main responsibility is to find packaging solutions that align with our customers preferences and product specifications.

How long have you been working at ESC for?

I’ve been with ESC Packaging for a little over four years now.                                                

What is your favourite part of the job?

I find great satisfaction in my role when I successfully develop a solution that resonates with the customer’s preferences and deliver the highest-quality packaging available.                                                         

What do you think makes ESC different from other packaging companies? 

What sets ESC Packaging apart is our unique identity as a family-owned business. Unlike larger corporate entities, we bring a genuine, personal touch to our customer interactions. Our approach is rooted in understanding and fulfilling our customers precise packaging requirements, rather than fitting them into a one-size-fits-all solution that might be more convenient for us.

Can you share a fun fact about you?

I have an immense passion for history, with a particular fascination for the medieval period.

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